6 Different Types of House Spiders and How to Prevent Them

How do you know what kind of spider you’ve found in your home if you’re not a spider expert? The suspected spider could be a house spider, yes. But what if it’s a dangerous spider?

Confirming the identity of different types of house spiders you find in your home is vital for your peace of mind and to prevent bites, especially if your region has venomous and dangerous spiders.

But how do you do it? We’re here to help, just read along.

1. Orb-Weaver Spiders

There are different types of house spiders and orb-weaver spiders are one of the most common. They are usually harmless and are not aggressive. However, they can be a nuisance if they build their webs in areas where you do not want them.

You can prevent orb-weaver spiders by removing their food source, keeping your home free of clutter, and sealing any gaps or cracks where they may enter.

2. Black Widow Spiders

These spiders are black in color with a red hourglass shape on their belly. They are found in dark, moist areas such as garages, basements, and sheds.

Black widow spiders are aggressive and their bites are very painful. If you are bitten by a black widow, seek medical attention. To prevent this type of spider, keep your house free of insects.

3. Brown Recluse Spiders

This type of spider is usually found in basements, attics, and crawl spaces. They are brown in color and have a violin-shaped mark on their back. These spiders in your home are not aggressive and only bite if they feel threatened.

If you see a brown recluse spider, it is best to leave it alone and call a residential pest control company to remove it. If you are bitten by a brown recluse, seek medical attention immediately as their bites can be dangerous.

4. Hobo Spiders

These spiders are typically brown or black in color and can be found in many parts of the world. They are known to build their webs in the dark, secluded areas and can be found in basements, attics, and crawl spaces.

Hobo spiders are not aggressive and will typically only bite humans if they feel threatened. To prevent hobo spiders from entering your home, seal up any cracks or holes in the foundation and keep your basement and attic clean.

5. Yellow Sac Spiders

Yellow Sac spiders are typically found in warmer climates and like to build their webs in areas where they can hide and ambush their prey.

To prevent them from entering your home, seal any cracks or openings in the exterior of your home and keep your living area clean and free.

6. Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders are large and intimidating, but they are actually quite harmless to humans. These spiders are usually found in wooded areas and hunt their prey at night.

While they are not aggressive, they will bite if threatened. Wolf spiders are not poisonous, but their bites can be painful.

Avoid Different Types of House Spiders

Different types of house spiders are generally harmless to humans, but some species can bite if provoked. Most house spiders are not aggressive and only bite when threatened.

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