Children carry a piece of our heart with them. Nothing compares to sheer happiness on a child’s face – no riches of the world would ever match up to that level of preciousness. Everyone loves happy chirpy children; no one can ever tolerate the wailing nature of them. Isn’t it?
Laughter is one such expression of joy that looks so good over children, and that is absolutely indescribable as a feeling in words. There would be absolutely no parent in this world who would not have wanted their children to be happy.
Probably this is why parents start to pamper their children by taking them out of some trips, let them play with water and mud at times, ask them to order cake online, as and when they feel like eating as well as stay over at their friend’s place over for the night.
But sometimes parenting rules don’t align with some of the happy expectations of a child, and hence regardless of how much a person adores their children ends up making them cry. This is why to help you manage your child after they are mad at you or sitting and crying at some corner of your house, we came up with some fine ways to make your children happy.
Table of Contents
1. Give Them A New Toy –
Children are very likely to have things their way and of their type. Hence, something as good as gifting them a new toy is probably going to be way hard for them to resist and bless you with their beautiful smiles. You can gift some trendy toy or something they have indirectly hinted to be gifted with quite some days ago. Think about it. You can easily shop for this new toy at some offline gift stores like Hamleys, Archies, etc. or online ones too.
2. Play Their Favourite Song –
children favourite songs could be their mood pleaser. They can be all grumpy and not wanting to talk to you. But playing their favourite song will make it hard for them not to stand up and tap their feet.
It could be some cartoon programme theme song, or some Hollywood/Bollywood beats that they happen to find surprisingly enjoyable. This way is particular, will totally help them forget what made them sad in the first place.
3. Let Them Have Something Sweet –
Kids or children love to have something sweet to the core. They are never afraid to catch up with some cavities or some toothache. They just can’t help themselves and dig straight right into relishing some chocolates, cakes ordered from some cake delivery app, Indian sweets, candies, pudding, jams and jelly and other such sweet little treats. The sugar in these sweet edible items is sure to lure them into choosing and staying happy.
4. Take Them To A Park –
Children love to socialise with their friends, people and different beings of Mother nature. They are sweet, kind and innocent little fellows. Hence, the next time when they are crying, you can choose to make them happy as you take them to the nearest park. They can ride some of their favourites rides like swing, seesaw, merry go around and more. Their sheer excitement to ride these rides and running around in teh park will surely make them forget that they were crying in the first place.
5. Listen To Their Stories –
Kids absolutely love it when we validate their stories, no matter how meaningless children innocent stories could be. Just like any other human, they too loved to be heard or supported. So, next time they are crying and sad, make sure to hear them out once. Give them a chance to speak. They are sure to love you for doing that.
So, these were a few ways in which you can even choose to make your darling daughter or sweet son happy after they have had a good cry. Each of these ways is sure to put up a beautiful smile on your children face and propitiates the real happiness of a child in front of you. And we are pretty sure you would give up anything of this world to bless your child with love, light, your company, respect, security and confidence, eventually all of which will help in his/her development.