Studies indicate that nursing home abuse affects thousands of families each year.
Are you fearful that your loved one may be getting abused in their nursing home? How does one go about hiring a nursing home abuse lawyer? What type of abuse is most harmful?
Fearing for a loved one’s safety can be a stressful and exhausting experience to worry constantly about what could happen next.
Keep reading to learn about the different types of nursing home abuse:
Table of Contents
1. Emotional Nursing Home Abuse
Threats and insults are two of many examples of the type of emotional abuse one can experience in a nursing home. This can start slowly and grow into something much worse over time.
Some caregivers that do not care for the well-being of the person will insult them to make themselves feel superior to that person. For fear of further abuse, most people will not challenge this behavior.
2. Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is hard to miss, usually leaving marks as a result of the abuse. If someone is getting slapped, punched, or kicked, you will likely be able to see bruising or marks on their body.
The elderly have a tendency to bruise more easily at times, making this type of abuse harder for caregivers to get away with.
3. Financial Abuse
This type of abuse can happen without the patient or the family realizing it for a very long time. Once caregivers gain the trust of their patients, they will have more access to their personal belongings. It can be very simple for someone to take a check from their room and write it to themselves.
Having access to all of their records can also mean they can steal identity information without getting caught.
4. Sexual Abuse
This can happen in many forms but is overall defined as unwanted sexual contact of any kind. If someone is too weak or frail to ward off this action, it can be traumatic for them as they cannot overpower the person taking this action against them.
Looking for any changes in behavior when certain caregivers come in contact with your loved one is one way to start spotting the signs of potential abuse.
5. Purposeful Abandonment
This type of abuse is choosing not to care for the person at all. Being instructed to bring food or medicine to an individual and keeping both items would be an example of this.
This form of abuse can quickly deteriorate someone’s condition and cause them to suffer while at the nursing home.
Know the Signs
Now that you have read more about the different types of nursing home abuse, you can recognize the signs. The ability to notice these details and monitor the situation could help improve the situation of someone experiencing this type of abuse. The ability to notice these details and monitor the situation could help improve the situation of someone experiencing this type of abuse. The ability to notice these details and monitor the situation could help improve the situation of someone experiencing this type of abuse.
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