5 Reasons to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

Picture this: You’re driving home from the store and you come to an intersection. You stop at a red light and the young driver behind you decides not to. Maybe they were going too fast or were part of the 39% who text and drive.

Either way, it’s clearly their fault. This was a minor accident that could have ended much worse. There’s no need to get lawyers involved here.

Or is there? Read on to learn 5 reasons why you should hire an attorney once you’re involved in a car accident, no matter how minor it may seem.

1. Insurance Companies Are There to Make Money

The first thing to keep in mind in the aftermath of a car accident is that the insurance companies are not there to protect you. They exist to make money, and they will try to settle your claim for as little money as possible. When you find an attorney, you can keep them honest about the actual amount of money owed.

2. A Local Attorney Knows Local Ordinances

Let’s say that you get pulled over for an accident and the police claim that you were speeding or violated some other minor traffic law when you certainly didn’t. When you hire a local attorney, you ensure that they know any and all local laws to prevent any abuse by authorities.

3. The At-Fault Party May See an Attorney and Sue You

If you don’t decide to lawyer up right after the accident, you could get surprised months down the line when the other party (even if they’re at fault) serves you papers for injuries that supposedly manifested as a result of the accident. If that happens, you’ll wish you knew the procedure for finding a car accident lawyer on short notice.

4. You Might Be More Hurt Than You Realize

Speaking of, it’s also possible that you walked away from the car accident with worse injuries than you realized at first. You might feel fine at first, but organ and soft tissue damage may take a while to manifest. That’s why it’s crucial to speak to a doctor and hire an attorney as soon after the accident as possible.

5. The Best Attorney Will Ensure a Weighty Settlement

Last but not least, an attorney’s job is to get you the money that you need to pay for your expenses after an accident. There will be repair bills, medical bills, and missed work to cover. The other guy’s insurance may not cover those costs, but a settlement your lawyer negotiates with them might.

So, Why Should You Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident?

Why should you hire an attorney when you’ve been in a car accident? Simply put, it’s to protect yourself. Having an attorney on your side can prevent you from getting sued by the other driver, being abused by patrolmen, or losing out on the money you deserve while dealing with the insurance company. If you find an attorney, they can keep you and your assets safe.

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