5 Can Coolie Marketing Ideas

Can coolie. Koozie. Coozie. Cozie. Hugger.

Whatever you call these beverage insulators, you probably have a few of them in your home or office already. And it’s no surprise since coolies have been one of America’s favorite promotional gifts and statement makers since the early 1980s.

These popular drinking accessories are made from all kinds of materials, from burlap to neoprene and the classic—foam. Above all else, their purpose is to keep your beer from getting warm in your hand.

If you’re wondering how you can incorporate huggers into your marketing strategy, read on!

1. Customized Coolies

When it comes to marketing ideas, few things rival the longevity and brand awareness of a complimentary coozie. It’s important, however, to customize this popular accessory with your brand.

When designing your koozie, consider your brand:

Once you have the right imagery and message, you can use a custom coolie in almost any off or online campaign.

2. Sports Promotion

Are you trying to think of creative marketing products to boost attendance at sporting events? Since both spectators and players have a beverage in hand at most sports games, it’s the perfect place for a promotion coozie.

Team promoters can print the coolie with the dates of upcoming games. Event sponsors can add their branding to a player’s cozie. School sports teams can customize these wholesale blank koozies as fundraising items.

3. Work Event Gifts

Are you searching for that perfect corporate gift?

Perhaps your company is sponsoring an industry conference. Maybe you’re attending a trade show. Is the annual company picnic or BBQ just around the corner?

Decorate blank can coolies with your company’s details and hand them out at the event. Not only will people use them on-site, but they’ll also take them home with them. This means your brand gets seen often and in intimate settings, increasing your brand exposure tremendously.

4. Embrace Humor

Humor sells. Funny marketing has the potential to boost endorphins, strengthen brand trust, and increase engagement.

If you’re planning to use can coolie designs as a marketing tool, consider getting them printed with a funny phrase—that fits with your company branding, of course.

You’ll end up with a more memorable promotional product for your efforts!

5. Direct Mail Your Coozies

Despite the rise of digital marketing, direct mail is far from dead as a promotional tactic. In fact, US householders receive close to 500 pieces of mail each year!

Because huggers are light and fold flat, they make for a cost-effective and useful direct mailer gift for customers or clients. Just remember to think carefully about your can coolie graphics—you only get one shot to impress your recipients.

A Can Coolie for Every Occasion

Has this article got you excited about incorporating the can coolie into your marketing plan? This list is just a starting point; there are almost endless ways you can customize this enduring gift to suit your branding needs. And best of all, coozies are so cheap that an excellent ROI is virtually guaranteed.

For more masterful marketing advice, browse the other articles on our website.

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