3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Home’s Front Looking Special When Everyone Else’s Looks the Same

Let’s face it – walking down a street where every house looks exactly the same can be pretty boring. In many neighborhoods, builders use similar designs to save money, leaving us with rows of houses that could be copy-pasted. But your home’s front view should tell your unique story and stand out in a good way. Even if you live in a planned community with strict rules, there are still ways to make your house’s front special without breaking the bank or getting in trouble with your homeowners’ association. Here’s how you can keep your unique house facade designs by Nostra Homes looking different and eye-catching, while still fitting in with the neighborhood.

Mix Up Your Color Choices Like a Pro

Think of your house like a painting – you don’t have to stick to just one or two colors. Try painting your front door a deep blue while keeping your shutters in a warm gray. You could even paint your porch ceiling a soft, light blue, which many people in the South do because they believe it keeps bugs away. The trick is to pick colors that work well together but aren’t exactly matching. Maybe use a darker shade for your window frames than your walls, or paint your garage door slightly different from your main house color. Just remember to check what colors your neighborhood allows first. A good tip is to drive around and take pictures of house colors you like, then show them to your painter.

Create Your Own Garden Pattern That Tells a Story

Instead of putting plants in straight lines like everyone else does, try making curved flower beds that flow naturally around your house. Put taller plants like small trees or big bushes at the back, medium-sized flowers in the middle, and short ground-covering plants in front. This creates what gardeners call “layers” and makes your yard look more interesting. You could plant flowers that bloom at different times of the year, so there’s always something pretty to look at. Don’t forget to add some rocks or wooden pieces between plants – they look good even when flowers aren’t blooming and help stop weeds from growing.

Play With Different Textures on Your Walls

Most houses on your street probably have the same kind of siding or brick. You can change things up by mixing different materials on your house’s front. If you have brick on the bottom half, try adding some stone or wood panels on top. Or put different-looking siding around your windows than what’s on the rest of the house. Even adding a small stone wall around your porch or putting wood panels above your garage can make your house look more interesting. Just make sure whatever you pick can handle your area’s weather and won’t need tons of fixing up later. Think about how the sunlight hits your house too – some materials look different throughout the day as shadows move across them.

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